Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Arts & Crafts with Naomi: Painting with Stripes

     The first step in doing crafts with kids 
is the prep.

I should mention, though we have a baby on the way, we don't exactly live in a child friendly environment. Our open concept, 2-bedroom, yard-less, white-carpeted condo is for singles, newlyweds or seniors. It doesn't exactly lend itself to energetic, creative, messy munchkins (and let's be clear, those are exactly the types of munchkins I want!) So, the preparation process is key. 

a. I covered the table with newspaper (junk mail) and secured it by taping it down.

b. I put an old stool in the bathroom so my little guest could reach the sink. The thing about the stool is that it is a 3-legged stool which seems to have been created for decoration and likely doesn't meet safety standards.

c. I taped the four canvases in different configurations and got the paints out. 

Ready for step two!

Enter: Naomi.

The second, and doubtless the most important step in doing arts and crafts with kids is ensuring you have a kid in your possession. I was lucky enough to borrow this one from dear friends, Seth and Rebekah. In fact, Naomi is my very first art student. Approaching her final weeks as a two-year-old, Naomi is a free-spirited tot with a passion for pretending. She enjoys long walks through Costco, has a deep respect for Little Bear and loves to wear dresses. 

 Add: Smock
This is Naomi's "smile" for the camera. 

Final Step: PAINT! 
Hands make great stamps.

Naomi loved turning the water different colours 

the master at work.

Cleanup time. 


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